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With the high fiberglass "North Atlantic" sail.
Sid note:
All photos in these two pages were contributed by Ron Linderman.
They are from the period 1966-1969. That was after my time in BLENNY.
Ron Linderman EN2 (SS) - FwdEngine Room. 1966 - 1969 ...Nickname Wimpy

I went on BLENNY right out of sub school as a Seaman. Made E-5 Engineman in two yrs. Got to take the test for E-5 early because of the Nam War. Took the E-6 test, and passed just before I got out. BLENNY was the ?Steamingest? boat on the river.

I think the plastic sail was done in Portsmouth when they changed a main motor.

They were the most exciting years of my life. Spent my whole time on BLENNY - and yes, qualified on her, and knew every valve in her.

If anybody wants more pictures I still have a bunch.

A young Seaman Linderman
FER gang. Ron Linderman on far left
Older and wiser.
Rough seas!   Northern Run 1969. 

The water would come up the sail and displace the air so fast, it would blow right up and inflate your bell bottoms. We would just watch it come up, and sometimes it actually hit your legs.

There were times we would only have one lookout and he and the Officer of the Deck were strapped in. Sometimes when we had to change course or to safely open the conn hatch to relieve the watch, it took a half an hour to just find a quick wave going the right way to allow us to do that.

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