The Hiker
Watercolor by Ed Bookhardt
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By Commander Ed Bookhardt, US Navy, Retired
The sun’s nurturing warmth and the rising saps of spring
bring forth the effervescent bloom of youth in shades of brilliant greens and jade.
With his hat at a jaunty tilt and a swagger in his gait, 
he eagerly steps forth to sample the wonders of life’s seasons 
and to face unafraid the challenge of his Nation’s call
The emerald hues of his maturity reflect the commitment to “Flag and Country.”
Freedom though challenged, flourishes throughout the joyous and seemingly 
endless summer of his vigilant unrelenting guardianship of all he holds dear
Basking in the glory of the season, the gentle breezes caress his face…
the wanderlust days in the sunshine swiftly pass.
Riding life’s wondrous crest he never looks back,
for at the moment of his prime,
time is of little importance for he is master of his charge
September’s song brings the unexpected realization of the fleeting cycle of life.
Bewildered he cries out, for he is not yet ready to surrender the watch,
 nor the glory that is his…
yet, the incessant passage of seasons continue unabated
The chill of October morns
turns the once flourishing foliage of his youth to colors of yellows and orange…
golden moments to reflect on what once was.
Though his spirit soars as in April past,
and his tiring heart still pounds to the patriotic rhythms that had always driven him, 
he senses the seeping cold
Deep within his soul the aging warrior is overcome with poignant reluctance. 
Like willow bows... he hangs his weary head realizing
he will never again march forth under the starry banners of the gallant cause.
As the fragile leaves of his existence,
brown, wither and fade; their brittle substance crumble
and are whisked away in the harsh winds of November.
Silently,  December’s snowy blanket covers the once vibrant remnants 
and all is lost in the cold gray mist of winter,
and yet, his memory blooms eternal…